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This Is A Custom Widget

This Sliding Bar can be switched on or off in theme options, and can take any widget you throw at it or even fill it with your custom HTML Code. Its perfect for grabbing the attention of your viewers. Choose between 1, 2, 3 or 4 columns, set the background color, widget divider color, activate transparency, a top border or fully disable it on desktop and mobile.

Advertising in the Age of New Media

Advertising in the Age of New Media 2017-11-26T17:28:44+00:00

Project Description

(Last Updated On: November 26, 2017)

According to F. Mulhern (2009), media is experiencing a digital revolution that is liberating news, information, and advertising from the confines of traditional print and broadcast delivery systems. While the differences between traditional advertising and the new world of digital communications are numerous, none is greater than that between the concept of communications focusing upon the delivery of messages via media channels and that of communications involving an entire world of networks, algorithms, and automated systems, specifically designed to facilitate and manage the connections between information (products) and people. Naturally, as in traditional advertising, creative content remains at the center of these communications. However, with the advent of automated advertising networks (e.g. Google search advertising) and data-driven ad placement mechanisms, corporate media planning will begin to resemble business logistics instead of simple advertisement placement. This revolution may pose significant challenges to those media companies, agencies, and brand marketers who have focused their efforts on sending advertisements to target audiences through traditional media channels, without investing the time and effort to learn how to integrate the data analysis and modeling techniques required of digital media into their marketing strategies.

This literature review begins by examining those characteristics of the networked information economy in which a digital revolution in advertising is taking place. Next, it presents a framework that may well serve as a road-map through the landscape of new media marketing. This review continues by investigating how basic principles of advertising may be successfully applied to build and deliver an effective, ubiquitous digital campaign utilizing this new media environment. Given the numerous channels available through which one’s message may be delivered, this review focuses on one specific avenue which offers tremendous opportunities, mobile marketing. The multitude of ways in which marketers may create brand aligned mobile portals and equipment will be examined. Finally, this literature review concludes with an examination of new media marketing from the consumers’ perspective by examining their attitudes towards various interactive digital advertising venues, such as Internet, email, and mobile phone.

Advertising in the Age of New Media

Project Details


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